Calendar in 2020

September 2020
Date Venue Event Name More Information
29-30 Sep Online Online Training of eACDS for Myanmar  
21 and 28 Sep Online Online Regional Technical Meeting on Reducing Negative Impact to Ecosystem, Optimizing Energy and Fuel Consumption, and Enhancing Safety in Fishing Practices in Southeast Asia
15-18 Sep   Cruise order M.V.SEAFDEC 2 (Sea trial on the main engine, generator engines, machinery, engine control system, steering gear, navigation equipment, safety devices system and Bottom trawl test)
15 Sep Online Teleconference of Regional Consultation Workshop on Developing a Plan of Activities for Resources Enhancement in Southeast Asian Region  
14-18 Sep Thailand EAFM Training Course in Ranong Province
10-11 Sep Online Online Training of eACDS for Malaysia  
10-30 Sep   The Distance Seminar “The 2018 Collaborative Research Survey on Marine Fisheries Resources and Environment in the Gulf of Thailand by M.V.SEAFDEC 2”
2-3 Sep Thailand Data Validation Workshop, Surat Thani Province, Thailand
2-3 Sep Online Online Training of eACDS for Brunei Darussalam  
August 2020
Date Venue Event Name More Information
31 Aug – 4 Sep Online The On-line Regional Training Course on Sampling Gear Design for Onboard Fisheries Resource Survey
28 Aug – 1 Sep Online Data Collecting and Analysis on Gender Dimension in the Value Chain of Small-scale Fisheries and Aquaculture
27-28 Aug Online Teleworkshop on Development and Improvement of Regional Tools for Combating IUU fishing in the Southeast Asia
25-27 Aug Thailand Site Training for Enumerator on Gender Concept and Analysis and Development of a Data Collection Protocol, Surat Thani Province, Thailand
24-26 Aug Online Teleseminar on Way Forward for Combating IUU Fishing in Southeast Asia
20 Aug Online Teleconference on Regional Consultation Workshop on the Utilization of Fisheries Geographic Information System(FGIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) to Improve Fisheries Management in Southeast Asia
13-14 Aug Online Online Training of eACDS for Viet Nam  
3-7 Aug Online Online Regional Training of Trainers(TOT) on Fish Handling Techniques Onboard Fishing Vessels
July 2020
Date Venue Event Name More Information
20-24 Jul Online SEAFDEC/NOAA Capacity Building Workshop on EAFM Management Tools
14-17 Jul Thailand Consultation Meeting and Preliminary Survey on Appropriate FMU in Ranong Province
June 2020
Date Venue Event Name More Information
29 Jun Online Seminar on “Effective Approach and Methods to Promote Fisheries Resources Management in Small-scale Fisheries”  
24-25 Jun Thailand Adaptive EAFM to Fisheries Management in Phrea, Thailand  
February 2020
Date Venue Event Name More Information
24-28 Feb Thailand The Training Course on Inland Fishing Gears for Department of Fisheries, Thailand’s Officials (หลักสูตรเครื่องมือประมงน้ำจืด)
10-15 Feb Thailand Practical Workshop on Stock Assessments of Longtail (LOT) and Kawakawa (KAW) in the Southeast Asian Waters
5-7 Feb Thailand Workshop on Key Stakeholders Engagement and define FMU for EAFM Krabi
January 2020
Date Venue Event Name More Information
29 Jan Thailand The Technical Ad Hoc Meeting on Marine Debris in Thailand  
27 Jan Thailand Inhouse Training on EAFM Inland at SEAFDEC/Secretariat, Thailand  
11 Jan Thailand National Children’s Day