Calendar in 2021

December 2021
Date Venue Event Name More Information
14-16 Dec Online SEAFDEC Workshop on Developing Fisheries Management Plan for Eight Districts in Krabi Province, Thailand
November 2021
Date Venue Event Name More Information
30 Nov – 3 Dec Online Online Regional Training Course on Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing for Aquaculture
22-26 Nov Online Regional Online Training Course on the Relationship Between Ocean Environment Variability and Marine Resource Abundance and Oceanographic Sampling
October 2021
Date Venue Event Name More Information
27-28 Oct Online Regional Workshop on Effective Practice for Supporting the Livelihood and Well-being of Small-scale Fishers in Southeast Asia
26-29 Oct Online Online Regional Training Course on Implementation of Port State Measures for Inspection
5-8 Oct Online Online Training on Implementing Adaptive Fisheries Management and the Use of the Fish Path Decision Support Tool
4 Oct Online Stakeholder Consultation Meeting on an Assessment of the Sustainability of Currently Used Fishing Technologies and Operations in Thailand and Options for Innovation and Improvements
September 2021
Date Venue Event Name More Information
28-30 Sep Online Regional Training on Gender (Equality and Equity) Integration in Small Scale Fisheries in Southeast Asia
28-30 Sep Online Teleworkshop on Development and Improvement of Regional Fishing Vessels Record (RFVR) for Combating IUU fishing in Southeast Asia
20-22 Sep   The Workshop on Data Validation on Gender Integration in Inland Fisheries in Buriram Province, Thailand  
August 2021
Date Venue Event Name More Information
23-27 Aug Online Regional Online Training Course on Fisheries Management Tools for Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM)
July 2021
Date Venue Event Name More Information
20 Jul Online Online Meeting on the Survey’s Results of the SEAFDEC/TD’s HRD and Implementation of Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) in the Learning Site
19-23 Jul Online Training Course on Fish Population Dynamics and Fisheries Management Using R
15 Jul Thailand Stakeholders Consultation Meeting on Assessment of the Sustainability of Currently Used Fishing Technologies and Operations in Thailand and Options for Innovation and Improvements in Rayong, Thailand
June 2021
Date Venue Event Name More Information
Online The Regional Training/ workshop to Support MCS Implementation in ASEAN  
May 2021
Date Venue Event Name More Information
12-13 May Online The Online Regional Training Course of Fish Handling Techniques Onboard Fishing Vessels  
5-6 May Online The Online Regional Training Course of Deck Machineries and Hauling Devices to Reduce Manpower in Fishing Vessels and Enhance Safety in Fishing Operations  
May 2021   Regional Training Course on the Utilization Techniques of FGIS and RS to Improve Fishing Ground Exploration and Fisheries Management in Southeast Asia  
May 2021 Online Regional Training Course on EAFM Management Tools  
April 2021
Date Venue Event Name More Information
7-9 Apr Online Online Practical Workshop on the Use of eACDS Application Version 2 for Fisheries Officers of Viet Nam  
March 2021
Date Venue Event Name More Information
30 Mar – 1 Apr Online Online Practical Workshop on the Use of eACDS Application Version 2 for Fisheries Officers of Brunei Darussalam  
29 Mar – 9 Apr Thailand The Baseline Data Collection for EAFM Plan in Krabi Province
24-26 Mar Thailand The Meeting Workshop for Enumerator to Conduct the Baseline Data Collection for EAFM Plan in Krabi Province
22 Mar   Data Validation Workshop on Gender Dimension in the Value Chain of Small-scale Inland Aquaculture
February 2021
Date Venue Event Name More Information
24-25 Feb Online Online Practical Workshop on the Use of eACDS Application Version 2 for Fisheries Officers of Malaysia  
18-19 Feb Online Onsite Training on Promotion of Fish Handling Technique and Labor-saving Equipment for Fisheries, Krabi Province, Thailand  
January 2021
Date Venue Event Name More Information
21-22 Jan Online Online Practical Workshop on the Use of eACDS Application Version 2 for Fisheries Officers of Myanmar