Calendar in 2022

December 2022
Date Venue Event Name More Information
16-19 Dec   Focus Group Meeting on Evaluation SOPs for Artificial Reefs Installation to Enhance Marine Resources: Case Study of Fish Enhancing Devices (FEDs)  
7-8 Dec   Meeting for initially implementation of SSF Traceability (part of Catch Declaration) as a Pilot Site of Baan Nainang, Krabi Province  
6 – 9 Dec   The Regional Practical Training Course on Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) for Aquaculture  
November 2022
Date Venue Event Name More Information
29-30 Nov Thailand Regional Workshop to Exchange Information on Catch Documentation Scheme and Traceability of Fish and Fishery Products
28 Nov – 3 Dec Thailand Regional Training Course on Fish Larvae
Phase II: Determining Spawning-nursing Ground and Season Using Larvae Survey Results
16-27 Nov Thailand Regional Training Course on Fish Larvae
Phase I: Larval Fish Identification and Fish Early Life History Science
14-15 Nov   Meeting to Finalize the EAFM Plan for Boeung Tonle Chhmar, Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia  
8-10 Nov Indonesia 7th Meeting of the Regional Scientific and Technical Committee (RSTC7) for the Project Establishment and Operation of a Regional System of Fisheries Refugia in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand (Fisheries Refugia Project)
7-11 Nov Thailand The Training Course on Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management for Mekong River Fisheries Community
การฝึกอบรมหลักสูตร “การจัดการทรัพยากรประมงโดยแนวทางเชิงระบบนิเวศ (EAFM) ชุมชนประมงลุ่มน้ำโขง”
October 2022
Date Venue Event Name More Information
25-27 Oct Malaysia Training on Gender Mainstreaming in Fishery Sectors, Malaysia  
17-19 Oct Thailand First Meeting of the Regional Scientific and Technical Committee, Thailand
September 2022
Date Venue Event Name More Information
13-15 Sep Thailand Regional Training on Port State Measures Inspection in Focus of Shipping Container for Fish and Fisheries Product
12-17 Sep Thailand Regional Training Course on Fisheries Management Tools for EAFM
6-8 Sep Indonesia Training on Gender Mainstreaming in Fishery Sectors
August 2022
Date Venue Event Name More Information
29 Aug– 2 Sep Myanmar EAFM Training Workshop at the Learning Site in Kawthaung, Myanmar
23-24 Aug Thailand The Regional Workshop on Monitoring Control and Surveillance for Combating IUU Fishing in Southeast Asia
22-26 Aug Thailand National Training Course on Fisheries Management Tools for EAFM
18-25 Aug   Onsite Regional Training Course on Marine Debris and Microplastics Sampling Collection and Analysis  
16-17 Aug Online Online Training on Preparation and Installation of the eACDS Application to Server for Viet Nam
8-12 Aug Thailand The Second Session of the 2 Years Regional Training Course on Fish Population Dynamics and Fisheries Management Using R-statistical Program
July 2022
Date Venue Event Name More Information
19-23 Jul   The First Session of the 2 Years Regional Training Course on Fish Population Dynamics and Fisheries Management Using R-statistical Program  
8 Jul   On-site Training on Fish Handling Onboard Fishing Vessels in Thailand  
June 2022
Date Venue Event Name More Information
28-30 Jun Online Online Regional Training Course Onboard Fish Handling  
27-29 Jun   The 2nd Writeshop on Developing Training Modules of Gender Mainstreaming in Small-scale Fisheries  
21-22 Jun Online Online Training Course on Energy Audits for Fishing Vessels  
15 Jun Online Online meeting with DOF-Myanmar on the implementation of EAFM at learning site in Kawthaung, Myanmar
9-10 Jun Online Online Training Course on Preparation and Installation of the eACDS Application to Server for Malaysia
May 2022
Date Venue Event Name More Information
30 May Online Regional Workshop on Gender Dimension in the Value Chain of Small-scale Fisheries and Aquaculture in Southeast Asia
26-27 May Online Online Training Course on Preparation and Installation of the eACDS Application to Server for Brunei Darussalam
25 May Thailand Training Course Program on Inland Fisheries EAFM for the Department of Fisheries, Thailand’s
การฝึกอบรมหลักสูตร “การจัดการทรัพยากรประมงเชิงระบบนิเวศ สำหรับผู้บริหาร (Lead EAFM)”
20 May Online Online Meeting with FiA/Cambodia in Implementing the Inland EAFM for Boeung Tonle Chhmar,Northern part of the Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia
10-12 May Online Online training on Fish Handling Techniques Onboard Fishing Vessels
4-6 May   The Writeshop on Developing Training Modules of Gender Mainstreaming in Small-scale Fisheries  
April 2022
Date Venue Event Name More Information
27 Apr Online The Meeting on Development of Database System to Support Fisheries Socio-economic and Small-scale Fisheries Study
12 Apr Online The Online meeting on Cruise Plaining on Sensory Evaluation of Volume
of Stocks in the Natural Environment of Sardinella lemuru (Bleeker, 1853) and Other Pelagic Species in the Philippine Waters
January 2022
Date Venue Event Name More Information
26-28 Jan Online Online training on the Use of eACDS Application in the Part of Movement Document (MD), Statement of Catch (SC) and Catch Certification (CC) for Myanmar