The SEAFDEC Training Department (SEAFDEC/TD) gave a warm welcome to 8 fisheries officials from the Department of Fisheries and Coastal Development, Government of Balochistan, Pakistan on 28 January 2025. In this regard, SEAFDEC/TD introduced SEAFDEC’s role and mission in the region and open discussion with relevant to SEAFDEC/TD activities such as coastal fishery management, fishing technology, and combating IUU fishing. Moreover, all delegations observed the Fishing Workshop.
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The SEAFDEC Training Department (SEAFDEC/TD), led by Dr. Suthinee Limthammahisorn, Secretary-General and Training Department Chief, warmly welcomed 10 members of the Association for Innovative Technology on Fishing Ports and Grounds (AITEF) from Japan on 28 January 2025. During the visit, SEAFDEC/TD introduced SEAFDEC's role and mission in the region, including its activities related to fishery communities and improving fish quality on board vessels and at fishing ports. Mr. Osamu Hashimoto, President of AITEF, presented initiatives for revitalizing fishing communities and introducing hygienic quality control at fishing ports in Japan. The delegation also had the opportunity to observe the Fishing...
SEAFDEC Training Department (SEAFDEC/TD) organized “Regional Training Course on the Liable Research Methods to Collect and Analyze the Marine Debris and Microplastic” from 24 to 31 January 2025 at SEAFDEC/TD, Samut Prakan, Thailand. There were 38 participants from SEAFDEC Member Countries who attended the training. The major envisaged output is to enhance human resources capacity on sampling and analysis of marine debris and microplastics both lecture and practical and also strengthen cooperation among SEAFDEC Member countries researchers on marine debris and microplastics in Southeast Asia region. To impart knowledge and understanding for the subjects in training, resource persons from...
The SEAFDEC Training Department (TD) joined Thailand at its 2025 celebration of the National Children’s Day on 11 January at the Fort Phra Chulachomklao at the mouth of the Chao Phraya River. TD put on displayed information and game under the theme of fishery resources conservation. Several groups of children, guided by their chaperons were attracted to the TD activities.
The National Children’s Day in Thailand is traditionally organized on the second Saturday of the year. It largely receives a widespread attention to the public, mostly government organizations, especially the Prime Minister, and military that staged their impressive shows for...
SEAFDEC Training Department (SEAFDEC/TD) organized the “Training on Digital Data Collection using Kobo Toolbox Platform” from 23 to 24 December 2024 at SEAFDEC Secretariat, Bangkok, Thailand. This hybrid training conducted both onsite and via Zoom platform was attended by 30 participants, including a resource person from Michigan University, USA, the participants comprised 23 onsite representatives from the Department of Fisheries, Thailand (10), SEAFDEC/SEC (3), SEAFDEC/TD (10), and six SEAFDEC/IFRDMD staff who joined online. The training is an activity under the "Small-scale Fisheries Management for Better Livelihood and Fisheries Resources" project, aimed to enhance the capacity of participants in designing...
SEAFDEC Training Department (SEAFDEC/TD) conducted a two-day Technical Consultation on the Development of the Training Department Research Program 2025 and Beyond from 19 to 20 December 2024 at the Rayong Marine Fisheries Research and Development Center, Rayong Province, Thailand. The event brought together 25 participants (13 women and 12 men), including researchers from SEAFDEC/TD and Department of Fisheries, Thailand namely, Marine Fisheries Research and Development Division, Samut Prakan Marine Fisheries Research and Development Center, and Rayong Marine Fisheries Research and Development Center, to define the scope of research and set priorities for future collaborative efforts which cover the fishing...
On December 18, 2024, Mr. Suthipong Thanasansakorn, Training and Research Supporting Division Head, representing the SEAFDEC Secretary-General and Chief of the Training Department, extended a warm welcome 5 visitors who are professors from Kasetsart University, the National University of Battambang, Kingdom of Cambodia, and their colleagues. The visit aimed to foster collaboration and strengthen ties between the institutions. During their visit, the delegation had the opportunity to explore SEAFDEC/TD's facilities, including Fishing Workshop, Engineering Workshop and M.V. SEAFDEC 2.
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Nine SEAFDEC staff participated in the Second Regional Project Steering Committee Meeting of the BOBLME II project which organized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) from 16 to 18 December 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand. The Meeting participated together Project Steering Committee Members and National Coordinators from Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Thailand, as well as national focal points from Malaysia and Indonesia. Additionally, representatives from key organizations, including the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO RAP), and three executing agencies—the Bay of Bengal Programme Inter-Governmental...
SEAFDEC Training (SEAFDEC/TD in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Bay of Bengal Program Inter-Governmental Organization (BOBP-IGO) held the "EAFM in Action" webinar on 12 December 2024. The webinar participated by approximately 65 participants from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and various partner organizations, highlighting the BOBLME II Project’s commitment to sustainable fisheries management and marine biodiversity conservation in the Bay of Bengal through the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM). The webinar featured key presentations, including an overview of the BOBLME II Project by FAO-RAP, a summary of...
SEAFDEC Training Department (SEAFDEC/TD) organized the “On-site Training on Traceability for Fish and Fishery Products in Thailand” from 11 to 12 December 2024 at the Department of Fisheries, Thailand. 70 participants who are DOF staff responsible and engaged in the traceability of fish and fishery products attended the training. Moreover, the “Online Training on Traceability for Fish and Fishery Products in Supply Chain” was also organized on 13 December 2024 via an online platform. 300 participants who are stakeholders such as the processing company attended the training. Both Training aims to enhance the capacity of the Department of Fisheries,...