HomeNewsGender Integration in Fisheries Survey in Buri Ram, Thailand

Gender Integration in Fisheries Survey in Buri Ram, Thailand

The SEAFDEC Training Department (SEAFDEC/TD in coordination with the Department of Fisheries, Thailand conducted preliminary survey on gender integration in fisheries in Ban Subsomboon, Buri Ram province, Thailand from 4 to 6 December 2020. This survey aims to promote gender in fisheries which support gender equality in all society. The discussion consisted of 17 persons who are local key persons from local, DOF officers and SEAFDEC/TD staff (13 females and 4 males).  The preliminary survey obtained the basic information of Aquatic Animal Food Bank of Subsomboon group. As observation from survey found that there were strong group of women in the community through integrated gender in all society including fishery. This survey is an implementation activity under the project of “The Small-scale Fisheries Management for Better Livelihood and Fisheries Resources”.


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