HomeNewsSite Training for Enumerator on Gender in Philippines

Site Training for Enumerator on Gender in Philippines

The SEAFDEC Training Department (SEAFDEC/TD) in collaboration with Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) of Philippines under supported by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) organized “The Site Training for Enumerator on Gender Concept, Analysis and Development of a Data Collection Protocol” from 23 to 25 June 2021 at Infanta, Quezon, Philippines. The training was organized as face to face at Infanta, Quezon, Philippine and online attending from SEAFDEC staff. There were 17 participants (12 females and 5 males). The training aimed to introduce the gender in development concept and process of gender analysis through developed of the questionnaire form for data collecting. Moreover, the training provides an opportunity to participant to conduct the presurvey at the project site for testing the questionnaire form that was developed by participants. The output of questionnaire development will be proceeded to the next activities on data collection for the project on Gender Dimension in the Value Chain of Small-scale Marine Fisheries in Infanta, Quezon, Philippines.


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