HomeNewsThe Fifth Fisheries Refugia Project Steering Committee Meeting

The Fifth Fisheries Refugia Project Steering Committee Meeting

The Fifth Virtual Meeting of the Project Steering Committee (PSC5) for the SEAFDEC/UNEP/GEF Project on Establishment and Operation of the Regional System of Fisheries Refugia in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand (Fisheries Refugia Project) was organized on 3 September 2021 via zoom platform by the Project Coordinating Unit (PCU) of the project. The Meeting discussed on the progress of works, policy to support project’s activities, financial, etc. There were 51 participants (21 male and 30 female) who are Project Steering Committee Members from six participating countries, UNEP Project Task manager, the Secretary-General of the SEAFDEC, Policy and Program Coordinator from SEAFDEC Secretariat office, Project Director, and PCU staff including observers from each national lead agency and technical officers from SEAFDEC/TD.

SEAFDEC is regional execution of the Fisheries Refugia Project in partnership with the government agencies responsible for fisheries in the six participating countries namely Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. The project is comprised of four components as follows 1) establishment of operational management at 14 priority fisheries refugia, with community-based refugia management plans being key outputs, 2) strengthening the enabling environment for the formal designation and operational management of refugia, 3) strengthening information management and dissemination of best practices in integrating fisheries management and biodiversity conservation, and improving community acceptance of area-based approaches to fisheries and coastal environment management, and 4) strengthening cross-sectorial coordination for integrated fisheries and environmental management.


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